Speed Skaterz Club Membership - Non Skater
01-07-2023 – 30-06-2024
12 Months


Speed Skaterz offer the most comprehensive range of classes in Australia for Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced skaters. Join us and while you are making friends, keeping fit and learning new skills, have the opportunity to represent Speed Skaterz against other fellow Victorian clubs. The Club encourages all skating members to train or compete and participate in club related activities.


This membership best suits volunteers, parents, officials and all other non skating participants.


Important - Please Read:
Whenever possible, notices and changes to Club events and racing schedules will be placed on the Club noticeboard at the Skaterz Rink, Club Facebook page (www.facebook.com/elthamspeedskating) and Club Instagram page (speedskaterzeltham). Handy links and information can also be found on the Club website: speedskaterz.com.au) and your TidyHQ membership link.

I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to check the above information sources.


Please note that the cost of this membership includes online transaction fees.